AIA Member NewsWhether you're a current student or graduate, don't forget to take part in the school's Survey & Polls section located on this page. It's a great way to see what's currently trending in a number of market sectors. School NewsStaff members attended the Brimfield, MA, show again this year (the world’s largest outdoor antique show). Where Asheford members met quite a few antique-buffs, mid-century modern enthusiasts, and more than a few vintage collectors, not to mention a number of past and present students, as well as show-goers who were simply curious about the Institute's world-renowned decorative arts program and online curriculum. Representatives from the school's Admissions Dept. said they handed out over 10,000 brochures, and answered a stream of questions from both dealers and buyers alike. And, with so many social media outlets and newspapers covering the event, it was only a matter of time before our reps got caught in the act of working hard in front of some media lenses. |
This is one of Canada's leading antiques and collectibles Source Directories. It can be used to "Search" for antique events from across Canada and USA. Journal Of Antiques & CollectiblesThis print and digital publication has a very East Coast feel to it. The writing is crisp, clear, informative, and provides a measured and thoughtful approach to commenting on the state of today's decorative arts marketplace. And, we'll be the first to admit that we like it!
Get ListedFor graduates, don't forget to opt-in for the school's Database Listing for insurance companies and other professional organizations. |
Survey/Polls |
Student Sales Program Going Strong...
(Update: October 22nd, 2024)
Starting now, you'll be able to find your A.I.A. Promotional Package online. All the files you need to get started, including a printable Course Prospectus, Student Sales Agreements, and Course Application Contracts are now available for download. This latest feature gives current students/graduates the ability to print-off their own Limited Course Prospectus to hand out to potential students and clients. If this sounds like something you might be interested in, simply email us at [email protected], to request your direct link to the school's Student Sales Program page, or call 877-444-4508 and let us help you set-up an account to sell and market the Asheford Program in your spare or full-time... It doesn't cost a cent, but it might just earn you a few!
Latest Student Sales Program Results...
(Update: November 3rd, 2024)
Florida - Over the last thirty years, we've had over eleven-thousand individuals participate in the school's Student Sales Program, with some fantastic results. Below is an excerpt from an interview conducted with Asheford graduate Tom Lutton, after his first year of working part-time as a Student Sales Representative for the Institute.
AIA Staff Writer: Tom, you took the Asheford Course over three years ago, what made you decide to start wanting to market the Asheford Program yourself?
Tom: Well, to be honest, I just remember thinking what a great Course, I wish I could share it with someone else - just to let them know how much I enjoyed it. Then I remembered reading about the Student Sales Program and thought, well, that might be just the thing to let people know... and I could get paid for it too!"
AIA Staff Writer: What was it like your first time, trying to market the Program?
Tom: I thought it was going to be tough... You know, you always see how those T.V. ads or infomercials make it seem so simple to sell something, and I thought it's not going to be as easy as that...
AIA Staff Writer: Was it?
Tom: Well, it wasn't as simple as that, but it wasn't that hard either... I was kind of surprised at how after I sold my first Course, people started coming to me and asking about it...
AIA Staff Writer: Who were the first group of people you sold the Program to?
Tom: I went to visit a few of my friends who I knew were interested in antiques and vintage but didn't really know that much about them. It didn't take much. The school's brochures that I printed off were very self-explanatory, and the links I gave them to the school's website also helped to really get the message across about what the curriculum was all about. As a result, these people ended up being my first enrollees."
AIA Staff Writer: Do you think your skills at being able to sell made the difference in you being able to successfully market the Asheford Course?
Tom: Listen, I know I'm probably not the best salesman in the world, but I don't think you have to be when it comes to selling the Asheford Program. People knew I had taken the e-Course and that made it so much easier when they had questions about antiques, collectibles, and vintage items. In the end, most folks could see that I had some considerable knowledge related to these subjects, and I think that's what really sold most people on the Program - it's a great Course, and it shows by example.
AIA Staff Writer: Where are you now in terms of selling the Program?
Tom: Well, after signing up some of my friends, I decided to give it a shot at the antique shows, some flea markets, and a few auctions. I even wore a T-shirt at some of the events that said, "Want To Be An Antiques & Vintage Dealer? Ask Me How!" It worked well. Since then, I've pretty much made this my only side-hustle. I'm not putting in any more than five or six days a month, and I'll be taking home at least 45k this year.
AIA Staff Writer: Are you able to market the Program online as well?
Tom: Absolutely, I even took the phrase I put on my T-shirt and added it to my business website. Like I said, it's a side-hustle to my regular antique & vintage business, but it dovetails nicely with what I'm already doing, so there isn't a lot of extra work involved. Once I get an order online, I can easily email the Institute, they take care of the rest of it - including the application and registering process - it's really very simple.
AIA Staff Writer: What would you say to others who might be considering the Student Sales Program?
Tom: If you're a graduate, I wouldn't hesitate to jump on board. I literally paid for my entire studies within one week of marketing the Program. I could've stopped right there, and it would've been worth it, but having an extra 40 or 50k at the end of each year with no heavy lifting involved... is priceless.
UPDATE: Tom Lutton received his first monthly check for $6,620.00 a year ago. Today, Tom says, "I'm still only doing it part-time now, mainly on weekends when I go to shows, but even with only putting in a few days a month, I hope to make about $55,000 extra this year alone.."
Congratulations Tom...!
Student Sales Program Facts:
2. All Student Sales Promotional Package materials are included with your enrollment and are free of charge.
3. Students are welcome to access any and all help from Asheford representatives at no charge.
4. If you would like to get started with the Student Sales Program, simply give us a call toll free at: 877-444-4508 and ask to speak with a Student Sales Specialist. It costs you nothing... but it may earn you a great deal!
If you're "in the business" and would like to participate in the school's annual survey of sales & trends within the decorative arts marketplace, then have a look below.
We've complied a sampling of six of the top areas of interest shown by customers and clients alike within the decorative arts community.
To participate in the survey sampling, simply select the age-group you're most closely associated with (below), and then click on the corresponding six decorative arts categories that most accurately reflect your top in-store or online sales over the past 12 months (Note: there are a total of six forms to fill out. Each from is based on a sliding scale of 1 to 6, with 1 being the best).
The data submitted in this form is anonymous, and is used to help compile the school's annual statistics for breaking trends and sales results within the decorative arts community over a 12 month period. The results of this survey are released nationally to the press every year in January, and can also be found posted on the school's web site (to see last year's results, click: past poll/survey results.)
(*Use the scroll bar on the right to select your age-group)
Admissions Office & Information Hotline
Toll Free: 877-444-4508
Fax 705-645-2380
email us: Admissions Office
US Offices:
Asheford Institute of Antiques
981 Harbor Blvd, Ste. 3, Dept. 275 TIAS
Destin, FL USA 32541-2525
Canadian Offices:
Asheford Institute of Antiques
131 Bloor St. West.Suite 200, Dept. 124TIAS
Toronto, ON
T. 705-645-5589
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